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Moscow Summer School 2009
Economic Growth: Mathematical Dimensions

Registration period
  • Starting date: 1 November 2008
  • Final date: 31 March 2009

Registration form

To register as an EGMD student, please fill in and submit your on-line registration form.

Sizes of the registration fees per one-week course

  • Commonwealth of Independent States
    (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)

  • Other countries
5000 Roubles

500 Euros

Please, note that the registration fee covers

  • Accommodation in a students hostel
  • The participant’s folder (materials for the lectures, a badge, writing materials, a souvenir, a bag, and a few symbols)
  • One excursion over Moscow
  • Pick up from/to the airport
  • A photo

Upon a special agreement with an applicant's university the Program Committee can provide a fellowship to compensate for the applicant's registration fee. If you would like to receive a fellowship from EGMD, please indicate this in your registration form.


Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) will provide accommodation for the students in the University Hostel (the University’s Main Building).

Map of MSU Сampus and Main Building of MSU


All non-Russian students should thoroughly examine the regulations for visiting the Russian Federation. These regulations are available in the Russian embassies/consulates.

The EGMD organizers will send to each student their letter of acceptance and an official invitation to participate in EGMD.

Important!    Please use the official invitation to EGMD when applying for the visa. Please apply for the visa as early as possible: processing your application may take several weeks. The EGMD organizers will provide no assistance in the visa process. EGMD will not refund your registration fee if your visa application is denied.

Important!    The EGMD organizers will not provide any kind of insurance for the students.

Visitors: 84579Last updated: 23.05.10