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Moscow Summer School 2009
Economic Growth: Mathematical Dimensions
 Dr. Thomas Weber

Department of Management Science & Engineering
Terman Engineering Center, Room 442
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4026

Office: (650) 725-6827
Home: (650) 324-3233
Fax: (650) 723-1614
Email: webert@stanford.edu


  • Economics of Uncertainty and Information
  • Institutional Design and Corporate Strategy
  • Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems

    Stanford University, Stanford, CA
    Assistant Professor of Management Science and Engineering, August 2003 – present

    The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
    Ph.D.Managerial Science and Applied Economics, May 2003
    Department of Operations and Information Management
    M.A.Operations and Information Management, May 2001

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
    S.M.Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, September 1997
    S.M.Technology and Policy, September 1997

    Technical University Aachen / Imperial College London
    EngineerElectrical Engineering, May 1995

    Ecole Centrale Paris
    IngénieurIndustrial Engineering, June 1994
    Top Industrial Managers for Europe (TIME) Fellow

    International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
    Young Scientists Summer Program, Dynamic Systems Group, Research in Nonlinear Optimal
    Control Theory: Nominated for IIASA’s Peccei Award for Outstanding Performance
    Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France
    Summer Program (‘The European Union Today and Tomorrow’)
    Technical University Aachen, Germany
    Studies in Mathematics with a focus on Functional Analysis

    INFORMS Young Researcher Roundtable2005
    David T. Morgenthaler II Faculty Scholar, Stanford School of Engineering2003-2005
    Wharton Nominee for the ICIS Doctoral Consortium in Barcelona, Spain2002
    Research Fellow 
    - Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center2002-2003
    - Reginald H. Jones Center for Management Policy, Strategy and Organization2002
    Nominated for Best Completed Research Paper Award
    International Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, LA
    Nominated for IIASA’s Peccei and Mikhalevich Awards for Outstanding Performance
    Young Scientists Summer Program, Intern. Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
    Doctoral Fellowship, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania1999-2003
    Dissertation Fellowship, The Boston Consulting Group1999-2002
    DAAD National Fellowship, German Academic Exchange Service1995-1997
    ERASMUS Scholarship, European Union1994-1995
    Full Scholarship, German-French Foundation1991-1993
    TIME+ Fellowship, Ecole Centrale Paris1991-1993

    The Boston Consulting Group, Munich Office: Senior Consultant1998-2002
    MIT Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, Cambridge, MA: Research Assistant1997
    Unilever European Summer Program, Milan/Gouda/Rotterdam1993
    Rhein-Nadel Automation, Aachen1989


      (a) Journal Articles

    1. Weber, T.A., “An Infinite-Horizon Maximum Principle with Bounds on the Adjoint Variable,”
      Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 30, No. 2, February 2006, pp. 229—241.
    2. Weber, T.A., “Infinite-Horizon Optimal Advertising in a Market for Durable Goods,” Optimal
      Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 26, No. 6, November-December 2005, pp. 307—336.
    3. Weber, T.A., Croson, D.C., “Selling Less Information for More: Garbling with Benefits,”
      Economics Letters, Vol. 83, No. 2, May 2004, pp. 165—171.
    4. Weber, T.A., “An Exact Relation Between Willingness To Pay and Willingness To Accept,”
      Economics Letters, Vol. 80, No. 3, September 2003, pp. 311—315.
    5. Weber, T.A., “Delayed Multiattribute Product Differentiation,” Decision Support Systems,
      Vol. 44, No. 2, January 2008, pp. 447—468.
    6. Weber, T.A., Zheng, E., “A Model of Search Intermediaries and Paid Referrals,” Information
      Systems Research, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 2007, pp. 414—436.
    7. Strulovici, B.H., Weber, T.A., “Monotone Comparative Statics: Geometric Approach,” Journal of
      Optimization Theory and Applications, In press, Vol. 137, No. 1, April 2008.
    8. Weber, T.A., Bapna, A., “Bayesian Incentive Compatible Parametrization of Mechanisms,”
      Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 44, No. 3-4, February 2008, pp. 394—403.

      (b) Refereed Conference Proceedings

    9. Weber, T.A., “The Value of Shared Information Services,” Proceedings of the 23rd International
      Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December 2002, pp. 209—224.
    10. Weber, T.A., “Mixed Versioning of Information Goods under Incomplete Information,”
      Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, LA,
      December 2001, pp. 81—83 (extended abstract only). Nominated for the Best Completed
      Research Paper Award.
    11. Weber, T.A., Xiong, H., “Efficient Contract Design in Multi-Principal Multi-Agent Supply
      Chains,” Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations
      Management Society (POMS), Dallas, TX, May 2007.

      (c) Articles in Revision

    12. “Efficient Contract Design in Multi-Principal Multi-Agent Supply Chains” (with H. Xiong), in revision.
    13. “Screening with Externalities,” in revision.
    14. “Efficient Dynamic Allocation with Uncertain Valuations” (with A. Bapna), in revision.

      (d) Book Chapters

    15. “Price Theory in Economics” in: Özer, Ö., Philips, R. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook on Pricing
      Management (to be published in 2009).

      (e) Books

    16. “Applied Information Economics” Oxford University Press (in preparation).

      (f) Articles under Review

    17. “Fair Welfare Maximization” (with A. Goel and A. Meyerson), under review
    18. “Efficient Allocation of Divisible Goods,” (with A. Bapna), under review.
    19. “Additive Envelopes of Continuous Functions,” (with B. Strulovici), under review.
    20. “Generalized Monotone Comparative Statics” (with B. Strulovici), under review.
    21. “Constructing Efficient Equilibria in Games Played Through Agents,” (with B. Strulovici), under review. .
    22. “Simple Methods for Evaluating and Comparing Binary Experiments,” under review.


    1. “Credit Collections Optimization”, American Express (Lead-PI: Yinyu Ye), $30,000, 2005-06. $275,000, 2006-07.
    2. “Economic Incentives Model for the California Water Market,” Woods Institute for the
      Environment, Stanford University, $120,000, 2005-2007. Lead-PI (co-PI: David Freyberg,
      Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University).
    3. “Optimal Screening and Experimentation,” Stanford Lillie Fund, 2004-2005.
    4. Stanford Presidential Faculty Research Grant, 2004.


    1. “Strategic Information Transmission Through Agents: An Optimal Dynamic Reward Program,”
      Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Montréal, Canada, December 2007.
    2. “Multiattribute Screening,” 2007 European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Budapest,
      Hungary, August 2007.
    3. “Dynamic Allocation of Water Resources with Storage and Two-Sided Uncertainty: The Case
      of Southern California,” 2007 Meeting of the American Economic Association, Chicago, IL,
      January 2007.
    4. “Pricing and Inventory Control with Two-Sided Uncertainty,“ INFORMS Annual Meeting,
      Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006; 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations
      Management Society (POMS), Dallas, TX, May 2007.
    5. “Efficient Allocation of Online Advertising Resources,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 2006; 2006 Workshop of Information Systems and Economics (WISE), in Chicago, IL; 20th Anniversary Symposium on Competitive Strategy, Economics, and
      Information Systems at the 2007 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
      Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, January 2007.
    6. “Efficient Dynamic Allocation with Uncertain Valuations,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
      Francisco, CA, November 13, 2005; Workshop on Information Systems and Economics
      (WISE), Irvine, CA, December 10, 2005; NSF/NBER Decentralization Conference, Paris,
      France, April 7, 2006; Econometric Society European Meetings, Vienna, Austria, August 27,
    7. “Fair Welfare Maximization,” 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society (held every three years), University College, London, UK, August 2005. IEOR Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, CA, April 26, 2004.
    8. “Efficient Contract Design in Multi-Principal Multi-Agent Supply Chains,” Stanford Technology Ventures Program Seminar, January 18, 2005; INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006; 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management
      Society (POMS), Dallas, TX, May 2007.
    9. “Screening with Externalities,” Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE),
      University of Maryland, College Park, ML, December 12, 2004; Dynamic Systems Seminar,
      International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, September, 2005;
      European Economic Association Congress, Vienna, Austria, August 27, 2006; 2007
      NSF/CEME Decentralization Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, April 2007.
    10. “Multiattribute Nonlinear Pricing of Network Goods,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO,
      October 26, 2004.
    11. “Interdependent Security Investments: Private Choice and Public Policy,” INFORMS Annual
      Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 21, 2003.
    12. “The Time Value of Imperfect Information,” VIIIth Spring Meeting of Young Economists, April 5, 2003, Leuven, Belgium.
    13. “The Value of Shared Information Services,” 23rd International Conference on Information
      Systems (ICIS), Barcelona, Spain, December 16, 2002; Journal of AIS Sponsored Theory
      Development Workshop (following ICIS), December 18, 2002.
    14. “A Model of Search Intermediaries and Paid Referrals,” Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Barcelona, Spain, December 14, 2002; INFORMS Annual Meeting,
      Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006.
    15. “Delayed Multiattribute Product Differentiation,” Seminar, Department of Operations and
      Information Management, Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania, October 30, 2002;
      INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, November 19, 2002.
    16. “The Value of Information in Portfolio Investment Decisions,” Conference on Economic Design: Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, New York City, July 8, 2002.
    17. “Mixed Versioning of Information Goods Under Uncertainty,” 22nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), New Orleans, LA, December 17, 2001.
    18. “Can Optimal Receding-Horizon Decision Making Be Unstable?” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
      Miami Beach, FL, November 7, 2001.
    19. “Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control in Economics: A Nonlinear and Nonconvex Application in
      Marketing,” Seminar, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts
      Institute of Technology, November 1, 2001.
    20. “Moving-Horizon Myopia and Instability in Decision Making,” Seminar, Department of
      Operations and Information Management, Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania, October 24,
    21. “Bounded Rationality and Instability in Decision Making: A Receding-Horizon Control
      Approach,” Dynamic Systems Seminar & Midsummer Workshop of the Young Scientists
      Summer Program, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria,
      July 24 and August 10, 2001.
    22. “Control Theory in Management Consulting,” Corporate Development Practice Group Meeting,
      The Boston Consulting Group, Yachthotel Chiemsee, Germany, July 18, 1998.

    Stanford University2003-2006

     “MS&E 241 Economic Analysis” (Masters Level)
     “MS&E 341 Advanced Economic Analysis” (Doctoral Level)
     “MS&E 344 Applied Information Economics” (Doctoral Level)
     “E60 Engineering Economy” (Undergraduate Engineering Fundamental)
     Academic Co-Director, SAFEA Summer Program in Public Policy,
    Stanford Center for Professional Development (June-August 2006)

    The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 1999-2003
     Instructor “OPIM 102 Decision Processes,” for Undergraduates, Spring 2003
     Head Teaching Assistant
  • “OPIM 210 Management Information Systems,” (Undergraduate Core)
  • “WEMBA OPIM 899 Advanced Topics in Information Systems” (Executive MBA)
  • “OPIM 469/669 Advanced Topics in Information Systems” (Undergraduate/MBA)
  • “OPIM 666/667 Information: Industry, Structure, and Competitive Strategy” (MBA)

  • “Allocation and Pricing of Divisible Resources: System and Approach” (joint with A. Bapna),filed for preliminary patent protection by the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing, June 2006. Final Application filed in June 2007.


  • Bruno Strulovici, Summer 2005. First position: Oxford University.
    Thesis: “Essays in Mathematical Economics and Finance”
    (Reading Committee: Darrell Duffie, Paul Milgrom)
  • Abhishek Bapna, Summer 2006. First position: Google.
    Thesis: “Essays in Mechanism Design”
    (Reading Committee: Ramesh Johari, Michael Ostrovsky)
  • Hongxia Xiong, Winter 2007. First position: DemandTec.
    Thesis: “Coordination and Inventory Management in Supply Chains”
    (Reading Committee: Warren Hausman, Hau Lee)
  • Claire Tomkins, Spring 2008 (expected)
    (Reading Committee: David Freyberg, James Sweeney)

    American Economic Review; Decision Analysis; European Journal of Operational Research; Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS); Information Systems Research; International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS); International Journal of Electronic Commerce; Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics; Journal of Management Information Systems; Management Science; Marketing Science; Operations Research; Review of Economic Design; Production and Operations Management; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; National Academy of Sciences

    Associate Editor, Management Science (Information Systems)
    Associate Editor, Decision Support Systems

    Associate Editor for the 2007 International Conference on Information Systems in Montreal, Canada

    Member of the program committee of the Third Workshop on Sponsored Search Auctions held in conjunction with the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007) in Banff, Canada

    Member of the program committee of the 2008 IADIS International Conference (Information Systems) held in Algarve, Portugal.

    American Economic Association; Econometric Society; Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS); American Mathematical Society

    Visitors: 84369Last updated: 23.05.10