Supercomputing Co-Design Technology Workshop (SCDT-2016)
Call for papers
Important dates
16th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
Supercomputing Co-Design Technology Workshop (SCDT-2016)


The workshop materials have been published by the Springer LNCS:

We are proud to announce a keynote speaker of the workshop: Thomas Sterling, Indiana University, who is one the brightest scientists in HPC, parallel computing and supercomputing technologies.


The computing world is changing rapidly. All devices – from mobile phones and personal computers to high-performance supercomputers – are becoming parallel. The huge capacity of modern supercomputers allows complex problems, previously thought impossible, to be solved. Performance of the best supercomputers in the world is measured in Petaflops providing unprecedentedly powerful instruments for research. At the same time, the efficient usage of all opportunities offered by modern computing systems represents a global challenge.

The workshop addresses the urgent need for theoretical and practical technologies of an accurate and efficient design of high performance computing systems, highly parallel methods, and extreme-scale applications to be able to solve large problems using the current and prospective generations of high-performance computing systems. The most essential concept behind these technologies is co-design. Supercomputing co-design is a very close partnership or interrelationship between all the layers involved in the process of solving these problems on high-performance computing systems: mathematical methods, algorithms, applications, programming technologies, runtime systems, layers of system software and hardware.

Workshop on Supercomputing Co-Design Technology is a part of ICA3PP 2016 16th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing.
The Workshop invites unpublished manuscripts from individuals or teams from academia, industry, and other educational and research institutes on topics highlighting various aspects of tight interrelationship between algorithms and computer architectures, parallel programming technologies and runtime systems, between all these layers for a wide spectrum of computer architectures.

The topics of interest with a special emphasis on co-design technologies include, but are not limited to:
• Enabling co-design technologies for high performance computing
• Future generation application-aware supercomputer architectures
• Extreme-scale concepts including exascale
• Parallel programming models, interfaces, languages, libraries, and tools
• Supercomputer hardware-aware applications and algorithms
• Scalable runtime systems
• Methods and tools for holistic performance, scalability and efficiency analysis
• High performance computer graphics and scientific visualization on distributed heterogeneous systems
• Education and supercomputing co-design technology: educational methods and best practices.

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