The Joint Russian-Britain Workshop on Polaritonics for Young Scientists will be organized for the second time. The previous joint symposium “Polariton devices: scientific research and perspectives” took place took place in the framework of the BC program at the Saint Petersburg State University in Russia at Match 2014.This Workshop was a stunning success and it provided a basis for further interaction and research co-operation of two complementary scientific communities in UK and Russia. As a result of face-to-face interaction and fruitful discussions several research groups from UK and Russia began scientific collaboration in the fields of experimental and theoretical polaritonics, modern non-linear optics and photonics. The second meeting will be held in Suzdal and Vladimir mediaval cities. Vladimir and Suzdal are located in the very center of the European part of the country, in the Heart of Golden Ring of Russia,180 km Easter from Moscow. Vladimir was founded in Xth century by Saint Vladimir on the high bank of the Klyazma river. Suzdal is one of the most remarkable and well preserved treasures of the Russian traditional architecture, it is located at the Golden Ring area north from Vladimir (30 km). The Workshop will offer its participants a unique opportunity to visit the cities of a highest cultural heritage.