Institute of astronomy RAS and [Zavolzhsk town regional museum] will held the International conference “V-th Bredikhin conference” during the period May 12 – 16, 2014.
A series of conferences dedicated to the modern achievements in the theory of comets, the dynamics of small bodies of the solar system's asteroid-comet hazard called « Bredikhin conference » was organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991, the USSR Academy of Sciences). The Conference is named of the famous Russian astronomer Feodor Bredikhin (1831-1904). He was a director of the Moscow observatory, the Pulkovo observatory, made a important contribution to the development of the studies of comets and meteors. It was originally planned that the conference should be organized every three years in places associated with Bredikhin. The first conference was held in 1983 in Zavolzhsk town(Russia), the second - in 1986 in Nikolaev city (Ukrain), third – in 1989 in Pulkovo observatory, fourth – in 1992 in Zavolzhsk town (Russia). It was the last « Bredikhin conference ». The Administration of Zavolzhsk town and Institute of Astronomy RAS have decided to revive the Bredikhin conference.
The conference languages are Russian and English.
First announcement
Second announcement
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Conference poster