International Conference
Differential Equations, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Algorithms

Abstract submition

New paper registration

English | òÕÓÓËÉÊ

Abstracts are accepted in Russian and English. The volume of abstracts should be no more than 3 (three) pages.

The file name should consist of the author's surname and initials written in Latin letters, for example, if the author of the article is Ivan Ivanov, then the files should be named: IvanovI.tex, IvanovI.pdf, and the final folder sent to the conference address ( , IvanovI.rar).

When formatting the text of materials, please do not redefine commands or enter your own macros, and also do not use automatic numbering of formulas, theorems, etc. To number formulas, please use the \eqno command.

The abstract design template can be downloaded here.

Fields marked with * are necessary to fill!

Paper title: *
Any additional information
Author(s): *
Comma-separated authors list (Surname First name Middle name)
Please do not use Russian characters in the file name!
Once again:*
Please note password will be kept and sent via HTTP and/or e-mail without encryption!

Information update:   Paper ID:   