MAIN TIMETABLE Registration will take place in the Tourist Center hotel on June 28 from 8.00 pm to 10.30 pm and on June 29 from 8.30 am to 09.30 am. June 28 (Thursday) Day, evening: Arrival of participants. June 29 (Friday) Morning: Opening ceremony and plenary lectures. Evening: Workshops. June 30 (Saturday) - Sessions dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Evgeny F. Mischenko and the 75th anniversary of Vladimir I. Arnold Morning: Plenary lecture. Evening: Working sections. Poster session. July 1 (Sunday) Morning: Plenary lecture. Evening: Cultural program. July 2 (Monday) - Sessions dedicated to Vladimir M. Zakalyukin Morning: Plenary lecture. Evening: Working sections. Poster session. July 3 (Tuesday) Morning: Plenary lecture. Evening: Workshops. July 4 (Wednesday) Morning: Plenary lecture. 12.00: Departure of participants. CULTURAL PROGRAM The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the excursion at Suzdal city and in cultural activities such as football and conference dinner.