Dear Colleagues! Proceedings of the memorial D.Ya.Martynov conferece will be published in English as a as a separate volume of Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions. Detailed instructions: Guidelines.doc, Template.doc Number of pages Invited talk - 8 pagews, oral presentation - 4 pages, poster - 2 pages. Deadline for submission Manuscripts will be accepted up to November 1, 2006 (inclusive). Manuscripts marked with "Martynov-2006" should be sent to: Guidelines for manuscript preparation Manuscripts should be written in English as Word or LaTex documents (the text should be prepared in plain styles, avoiding complex styles, commands, non-standard faces, additional macros, etc.) Papers must include: paper's title, author(s)' name(s), affiliation(s), contact e-mail(s), abstract, key words References guidelines: references in the text should be numbered consecutively and correspond to the reference list. An example is given at: Bibl.tex Tables and figures guidelines: any formats are admissible; color picturea should not exceed 10% pf the total volume of the paper. Figures and Tablesshould be sent as separete files. Manuscripts prepared in LaTex should be additionally supplied by the processed PDF layout.. |