Национальные проекты России. Наука и университеты
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International School of Young Scientists
"Modelling and optimization of complex systems" MOCS-2024

School-Seminar sessions will be held in the halls of the Tourist Center hotel. The Organising committee will book rooms for the participants either in Tourist Center hotel, Suzdal, Vladimir region, Russia.

Getting to the city of Suzdal


Buses from Moscow Bus Terminal (Schelkovskaya subway station) to Suzdal Bus Terminal:

  • Buses Moscow-Suzdal (Schedule).
  • Any buses passing through Suzdal (Schedule).



    Buses from Moscow Bus Terminal (Schelkovskaya subway station) to Vladimir Central Bus Terminal:

  • Buses Moscow-Vladimir (Schedule).
  • Any buses passing through Vladimir (Schedule).

    Buses from the area of Kursk Railway Station (Kurskaya subway station) to Vladimir Central Bus Terminal:

  • Buses Moscow-Vladimir.

    Trains from Moscow railway stations to Vladimir Railway Station:

  • Electric trains from Kursk Railway Station (Kurskaya subway station) to Vladimir Railway Station (Schedule).
  • Long-distance trains from Moscow railway stations to Vladimir Railway Station (Schedule).

    Note! Vladimir Railway Station is in front of Vladimir Central Bus Terminal.


    Buses from Vladimir Central Bus Terminal to Suzdal Bus Terminal:

  • Buses of the Organizing Committee from the Vladimir railway station on 29.06.2022 at 18:40 and at 22:10, 30.06.2022 at 09:15. You need to focus on people with a sign with title "DIFF-2022".
    Please sign up for the bus using the link:
    bus 29.06.2022 at 18:40
    bus 29.06.2022 at 22:10
    bus 30.06.2022 at 09:15
  • Buses Vladimir-Suzdal (Schedule).
  • Any buses passing through Suzdal (Schedule).
    Taxi +7 (4922) 370-370, +7 (4922) 444-445, +7 (4922) 32-15-25, approximate cost 650-800 RUR.


    In the city of Suzdal you can get the Tourist Center by public transport or taxi.