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International Summer School
Summer Academy on Economic Growth and Governance of Natural Resources
 Social Program
MSA2015 offers not only a rich educational program, but also an exciting social program.
It includes
  • Welcoming party: in the evening of the School’s fist day, 20 July, students and lecturers are invited to join a 3-hour boat tour along the Moscow river. Buffet dinner is included. We pass by major attractions of Moscow and see them from a different angle from the river both in daylight and after the sunset. Starts at 19:00 from berth “Vorobyevy Gory”

  • Excursion to the Moscow State University’s Botanical Garden. Starts at 14:00 on 22 July from the entrance to the Garden

  • Walking excursion over downtown Moscow: on Saturday, 25 July. It covers the historical city center, including Red Square. Starts at 10:00 from Tretyakovskaya metro station

  • Farewell dinner: in the evening of the School’s last working day, 31 July, students and lecturers are invited for the farewell dinner at “Iv.Durdin” Restaurant offering excellent Russian traditional cuisine. Starts at 18:30

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