Age-structured modeling and management of biological and economic resources
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Moscow Winter Academy 2018
Age-structured modeling and management of biological and economic resources

MWA 2018 Logistical Guide

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) is the leading University in Russia. MSU has a history of fundamental education dating back to the middle of the 18th century. More than 40 000 undergraduates and about 7 000 postgraduates study at MSU and have a choice of 29 faculties and 450 departments for study. More than 4 000 professors and lecturers, and about 5 000 researchers, work for MSU’s faculties and research institutes.

The Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC) at MSU is a leading Russian educational center specializing in the fields of applied mathematics, informatics and computer science. CMC was established in 1970. World-renowned mathematicians Lev Pontryagin and Andrei Tikhonov worked at CMC. CMC has internationally recognized scientific schools in various fields of applied mathematics (ill-posed problems, mathematical physics, game theory, control theory, optimization theory and system analysis), informatics (cybernetics, mathematical logics and operations research) and computer science (applied and theoretical programming, architecture of calculations systems and networks).


MWA 2018 does not provide accomodation to the participants. Moscow offers a wide variety of accomodation options of different price levels. If you have questions or need advice, get in touch with the Organizing Committee.


Participants can eat at the Faculty canteen, which is open throughout the entire day and offers meals for very affordable prices.


Participants are strongly recommended to confirm their medical insurance coverage prior arriving to Russia. Medical help is available on campus for foreigners at their own expense.