VIII International Conference Optimization and Applications (OPTIMA-2017)
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Компания StatSoft Russia

VIII International Conference Optimization and Applications (OPTIMA-2017)


Q: Is it sufficient to submit a short abstract to participate in the Conference?
A: To participate in the Conference it is necessary and sufficient to (1) register via our Registration form and (2) come to the conference and pay the registration fee. However if you want to give a talk you have also submit a title and an short abstract of your presentation (see Submission page for more information). See Dates page for the actual information on the deadlines.

Q: Is it sufficient to submit a short abstract to be included to the Conference Program?
A: Yes, if it successfully passed the reviewing process. However the status of the report (i.e. plenary, section, poster) will be decided later after reviewing full papers. Hence submission of the full paper increases chances that your contribution will receive a higher rank.

Q: Will short abstracts be somehow published and indexed in RINC/SCOPUS?
A: No. Only full papers to Proceedings will be submitted for publication for CEUR-WS publications service and indexed.

Q: If I submit a paper to Proceedings (6-8 pages) can I then submit the revised version to JOGO? Wouldn't it be the self-copiing?
A: Special issue of Journal of Global Optimization will accept revised versions of papers presented at the conference and recommended by the Program Committee. The papers should match the scope of the journal, should have 12-20 pages and be significantly reworked w.r.t. Proceedings version. Though some degree of intersection is possible. Please take into account the Journal of Global Optimization is a top-ranked optimization journal and maintains high standards of publications quality including originality and the value of the results, clarity of presentation and the language level.

A: The papers to the special issues should substantially differ from the papers published in Proceedings. If a paper to SI extends the paper to Proceedings it should cite the original paper and explicitly discuss the difference.


Q: Do the declared prices for the hotel include the meals?
A: Yes, 3 meals a day (full board).
