New paper registration
English is the official Conference language. Authors are asked to prepare their abstracts in English carefully.The papers will be published in the Conference book in the form they are submitted. It is very important that authors follow the guidelines below:
Title: 14 pt Times New Roman, bold, centered
Author(s):12 pt Times New Roman, centered
Affiliation/Address: 12 pt, Italic and centered.
Text: 12 pt Times New Roman, left-justified, without a paragraph indentation. An abstract should be fitted to one A4 page.
Headings: 12 pt, bold.
Margins and line spacing: top-bottom and side margins 2.5 cm, singe line spacing. Following chapter headings and paragraph breaks 1.5 line spaces (extra 6 pt).
Figures and tables must be inserted into the text and referenced in round brackets (Fig.1, Table 1). Table text: Times 11. Table titles: Times 12 italics right-justified. Figures: black-and-white or grayscale with original resolution not less than 200 dpi. Figure titles: Times 12 italics, centered.
References (if any) should be quoted by their numbers in reference list taken in square brackets [2].
List of references should be given below the body text in mentioning order, Times 10 font.
Please fill in the required information and attach a file prepared as described above.
Fields marked with * are necessary to fill!