Official websites:
Parallel Computational Technologies - 2012 (collective photo, gallery) Parallel Computational Technologies - 2011 (collective photo, gallery) Parallel Computational Technologies - 2010 (collective photo, gallery) Parallel Computational Technologies - 2009 (collective photo, gallery) Parallel Computational Technologies - 2008 Parallel Computational Technologies - 2007Publications of the conference:
PCT'2013 Proceedings PCT'2012 Proceedings PCT'2011 Proceedings PCT'2010 Proceedings PCT'2009 Proceedings PCT'2008 Proceedings
Media about the conference:
"Poisk" newspaper, No. 17(1247) from April 26, 2013, "Just super: tornado where necessary" (PDF). "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" analytical PLM magazine, No. 3(79) of 2013. "The results of the 7th international scientific conference PCT'2013" (PDF). "South Ural panorama" newspaper, issue from April 11, 2103, "How to model the future?" (PDF). "Poisk" newspaper, No. 14(2012) from April 06, 2012, "The strength of migration. Supercomputer community is growing in motion". "PCWeek", magaizine from April 13, 2012, "Supercomputing on PCT 2012. Quantity and quality". "Tom's hardware guide" Internet newspaper, issue from April 02, 2012, "International Conference Parallel Computing Technologies 2012". News of the Bashkir State University, issue from April 12, 2012, "International Conference Parallel Computing Technologies, PCT 2012". "Poisk" newspaper, No. 14(1140) from April 08, 2011, "Everyone to the demonstration" (PDF). "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" analytical PLM magazine, No. 3(63) from 2011. "The results of the 5th international scientific conference PCT'2011" (PDF). "ProDigital Information technologies" Internet magazine, issue from April 05, 2010, "PCT'2010. What do supermachines compute today?" IT-Galaxy Internet newspaper, issue from April 25, 2010, "PCT'2010. What do supermachines compute today?" Part I. IT-Galaxy Internet newspaper, issue from April 25, 2010, "PCT'2010. What do supermachines compute today?" Part II. "Poisk" newspaper, No. 17(1091) from April 23, 2010, "PCT for studying". "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" analytical PLM magazine, No. 3(55) from 2010. "International scientific conference PCT'2010" (PDF). IT-Galaxy Internet newspaper, issue from April 06, 2009, "The results of the supercomputer conference PCT'2009". "Poisk" newspaper, No. 10(980) from March 07, 2008, "Then we will come to you!" (PDF). "Poisk" newspaper, No. 10(928) from March 09, 2007, "The parallel movement" (PDF).