International scientific conference
Parallel Computational Technologies 2019


New application

Русский | English

Warning! Your personal data will be published in "Who is Who in the PCT'2019 conference". The data you have entered, including the password will be automatically sent to you by e-mail via open channels after each update of the application.

If you would like to make update previously entered information, you should use the button "Login" at the end of the page. If you have forgotten your application ID and (or) password, please send your request to

To remove previously entered application, please send an email with the subject "Remove application" to and specify the ID to be deleted in the text.

Fields marked with * are obligatory to fill in!

Last name*
First name*
Middle name
Organization (full name)*
Title in organization*
Academic degree
Academic title
Telephone number
E-mail (single)*
Personal participation*
Transport (arrival)
Ticket number
Arrival date and time .  . 
Transport (departure)
Departure date and time .  . 
Need a written invitation?
Need a hotel?*
Reservation start date
Reservation end date
Additional information
Once again:*
Please note password will be kept and sent via HTTP and/or e-mail without encryption!
Allow to process my personal data
Spam protection

Update information:   Application ID:   