International scientific conference
Parallel Computational Technologies 2021

Русский | English

Official websites:

  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2020
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2019 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2018 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2017 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2016 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2015 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2014 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2013 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2012 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2011 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2010 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2009 (collective photo, gallery)
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2008
  • Parallel Computational Technologies - 2007

    Media about the conference:

  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 15(2015) from April 25, 2015, "Hundred-percent. Supercomputers will get additional performance".
  • "Ural Science" newspaper, No. 7-8(1116) from April 15, 2015, "Potential of supercomputers" (PDF).
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 17 from April 25, 2014, "Just super: planned switching-on" (PDF).
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 17(1247) from April 26, 2013, "Just super: tornado where necessary" (PDF).
  • "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" analytical PLM magazine, No. 3(79) of 2013. "The results of the 7th international scientific conference PCT'2013" (PDF).
  • "South Ural panorama" newspaper, issue from April 11, 2103, "How to model the future?" (PDF).
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 14(2012) from April 06, 2012, "The strength of migration. Supercomputer community is growing in motion".
  • "PCWeek", magaizine from April 13, 2012, "Supercomputing on PCT 2012. Quantity and quality".
  • "Tom's hardware guide" Internet newspaper, issue from April 02, 2012, "International Conference Parallel Computing Technologies 2012".
  • News of the Bashkir State University, issue from April 12, 2012, "International Conference Parallel Computing Technologies, PCT 2012".
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 14(1140) from April 08, 2011, "Everyone to the demonstration" (PDF).
  • "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" analytical PLM magazine, No. 3(63) from 2011. "The results of the 5th international scientific conference PCT'2011" (PDF).
  • "ProDigital Information technologies" Internet magazine, issue from April 05, 2010, "PCT'2010. What do supermachines compute today?"
  • IT-Galaxy Internet newspaper, issue from April 25, 2010, "PCT'2010. What do supermachines compute today?" Part I.
  • IT-Galaxy Internet newspaper, issue from April 25, 2010, "PCT'2010. What do supermachines compute today?" Part II.
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 17(1091) from April 23, 2010, "PCT for studying".
  • "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" analytical PLM magazine, No. 3(55) from 2010. "International scientific conference PCT'2010" (PDF).
  • IT-Galaxy Internet newspaper, issue from April 06, 2009, "The results of the supercomputer conference PCT'2009".
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 10(980) from March 07, 2008, "Then we will come to you!" (PDF).
  • "Poisk" newspaper, No. 10(928) from March 09, 2007, "The parallel movement" (PDF).