Stars: from collapse to collapse
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Stars: from collapse to collapse
 2016 October 3-7, Nizhnij Arkhyz, Karachai-Cherkessian Republic, Special Astrophysical Observatory


In 2016, the leading center of Russian observational astronomy, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, celebrates its 50th anniversary. The major observatory telescopes, the optical BTA telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 6 m and radio telescope RATAN-600, are so far among the world's largest telescopes. The observatory is a common use center: astronomical object observation programs are carried out on requests from Russian and foreign astronomers.

As a part of the anniversary festivities, our observatory organizes the "Stars: from Collapse to Collapse" International Conference concerned with a wide range of issues on astrophysics of stars and star systems. The 6-m SAO RAS telescope is the main supplier of spectral material to study physics of such objects and the only Russian telescope, in which the stellar interferometry is performed.

We invite members and PG students of RAS, foreign scientists, and teachers and students of departments of physics and astronomy to participate in the conference.

Topics of the conference:

    1. Star formation and interstellar medium;
    2. Stellar atmospheres and stellar magnetism;
    3. Stellar activity;
    4. Multiple stellar systems and exoplanets;
    5. Stars after the nuclear burning;
    6. Methods and instruments of the stellar astrophysics.


    Scientific Organizing Committee:

    1. Balega Yury (Nizhny Arkhyz) - SOC Chairman
    2. Beskin Grigory (Nizhny Arkhyz)
    3. Cherepashchuk Anatoly (Moscow)
    4. Fabrika Sergey (Nizhny Arkhyz)
    5. Foy Renaud (Lyon, France)
    6. Gnedin Yury (Saint Petersburg)
    7. Kipper Tonu (Tartu)
    8. Klochkova Valentina (Nizhny Arkhyz)
    9. Panchuk Vladimir (Nizhny Arkhyz)
    10. Piskunov Nikolai (Uppsala)
    11. Romanyuk Iosif (Nizhny Arkhyz) - LOC Chairman
    12. Rostopchina-Shakhovskaya Alla (Crimea)
    13. Sakhibullin Nail (Kazan)
    14. Shustov Boris (Moscow)
    15. Stepanov Alexander (Saint-Petersburg)
    16. Zelenyi Lev (Moscow)

    Visitors: 100806Last updated: 13.02.17