All-Russia Conference with participation of invited researchers from other countries Faulting in the Lithosphere and Related Processes: Tectonophysical Analysis, dedicated to the memory of Prof. Semen I. Sherman 26 – 30 April 2021 Irkutsk, Russia The Conference aims to discuss new research results in the field of tectonophysics of faulting and related processes. The Conference will consider mechanisms for formation of the zone-block lithospheric structure, tectonophysical regularities of fault zones at different depths, features of active faults that develop in various deformation regimes, with the focus on physical and mathematical modeling results. Special attention will be paid to relationships between faulting and seismicity, structural controls of mineralization, the fluid regime of fault zones, the influence of the fault-block crustal structure on the underground hydrosphere, etc. Within the framework of the Conference, a round-table discussion will be devoted to modern methods for predicting hazardous geological processes controlled by faulting. This Conference welcomes experts from related fields of geology and geophysics and specialists investigating the processes that accompany the crustal destruction. Main topics
1. Tectonophysical regularities of formation of the zone-block and fault-block structure of the lithosphere. Lithospheric plates, intraplate hierarchy of the blocks, and their kinematics. 2. Structure of large fault zones of the lithosphere. Active faults, and controls of synchronous and related processes. 3. Faulting in the context of solar-terrestrial interactions. 4. Physical modeling and mathematical simulation of faulting and other deformation processes. 5. Seismic process in the fault-block structure of the lithosphere. 6. Faulting and ore genesis. Faults and kimberlite magmatism. 7. Fluid permeability of fault zones. Stress fields and fault structures of hydrocarbon deposits. Round-table discussion: Modern methods for predicting hazardous geological processes controlled by faulting Organizing Committee Chair Gladkochub, Dmitry P. Corresponding Member of RAS, IEC SB RAS Co-Chair Seminsky, Konstantin Zh. Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS Conference Secretary Dobrynina, Anna A. Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RASConference Programme Committee Bornyakov, Sergey A. Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS Ruzhich, Valery V. Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS San’kov, Vladimir A. Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS
Organizing Committee Members Adushkin, Vitaliy V., Academician of RAS, IGD RAS, Moscow Buslov, Mikhail M., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IGM SB RAS, Novosibirsk Bykov, Viktor G., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, ITiG FEB RAS, Khabarovsk Demberel S., Academician of Mongolian Acad. Sci., IA&G MAS, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Deversher, Jacques, Ph.D., European Institute for Marine Research, Brest, France Didenko, Alexey N., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, ITiG FEB RAS, Khabarovsk Duchkov, Albert D., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IPG SB RAS, Novosibirsk Dyadkov Pyotr, Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, IPG SB RAS, Novosibirsk Emanov, Alexander F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Altai-Sayany Branch GS SB RAS, Novosibirsk Garagash, Igor A., Doctor of Physcis and Mathematics, IPE RAS, Moscow Gladkov, Andrey S., Ph.D., IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Gordienko, Ivan V., Corr. RAS, GI SB RAS, Ulan-Ude Guo Yanshuang, Ph.D., Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing Imaev, Valery S., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Ivanov, Alexey V., Professor of RAS, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Khudoley, Andrey K., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, SPSU, St. Petersburg Kocharyan, Gevorg G., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, IDG RAS, Moscow Konstantinov, Konstantin M., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Kuz’min, Mikhail I., Academician of RAS, IG SB RAS, Irkutsk Kuz’min, Yuri O., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, IPE RAS, Moscow Leonov, Mikhail G., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, GI RAS, Moscow Lobatskaya, Raisa M., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, ISTU, Irkutsk Lunina, Oksana V., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Phung Van Phach, Professor, IG, Academy of Science and Technology of Vietnam, Hanoi Polyansky, Oleg P., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IGM SB RAS, Novosibirsk Pospeev, Alexander V., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Rasskazov, Sergey V., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Rebetsky, Yuri L., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, IPE RAS, Moscow Rogozhin, Evgeny A., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IPE RAS, Moscow Seminsky, Zhan V., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, ISTU, Irkutsk Shemenda, Alexander I., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, University of Nice-Sofia Antipolis, Nice, France Sim, Lidia A., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IPE RAS, Moscow Sklyarov, Evgeny V., Corresponding Member of RAS, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Sobolev, Gennady A., Corresponding Member of RAS, IPE RAS, Moscow Sorokin, Anatoly P., Corresponding Member of RAS, IGiP FEB RAS, Blagoveshchensk Sorokin, Andrey A., Corresponding Member of RAS, IGiP FEB RAS, Blagoveshchensk Tsygankov, Andrey A., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, GI SB RAS, Ulan-Ude Vakhromeev, Andrey G., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk Yakovlev, Fedor L., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, IPE RAS, Moscow Zavyalov, Alexey D., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, IPE RAS, Moscow Zuo Yanqun, Ph.D., Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China Address of the Organizing Committee: Institute of the Earth's Crust SB RAS, 128 Lermontov street, Irkutsk 664033, Irkutsk, Russia
Registration and abstract submission Registration of participants: 01 December 2019 to 15 March 2020. Abstracts submission deadline: 30 June 2020.For registration and abstract submission, please contact http://www.agora.guru.ru/tectonophysics2020 or tectonophysics2020@gmail.com (to Anna A. Dobrynina, Conference Secretary). REGISTRATION FORM
Full name of the participant Year of birth Country Academic degree Academic rank Position Main place of employment/study Authors and title of the report Scientific section (No.) Mailing address Email address Telephone
RULES FOR ABSTRACTS Abstract: no more than one A4 page (maximum 3000 characters) without any figures. Please submit an abstract in the electronic format using a Word text-processing program (Times New Roman Cyr; font size 12; line style 1.0; left-aligned; no hyphenation; paragraph spacing 1.0 cm). To include equations, please use Equation Editor. References: in square brackets. One author: [author’s surname, year of publication]. Two authors: [first author’s surname and second author’s surname, year of publication]. Three or more authors: [first author’s surname etc., year of publication]. The abstracts will be published by the conference opening date and indexed as per the Russian Science Citation Index database.
Excursions A sightseeing tour of Irkutsk will be arranged on one of the conference days.19 September 2020 (final day of the Conference): Full-day excursion to Lake Baikal, including a visit to Listvyanka settlement, a boat tour of the lake, a walk in the Baikal dendrology park, and a visit to the experimental geodynamic polygon established to discover and research possibilities for control of displacements in the active crustal fault zone.
Please be invited to participate the Conference in the city of Irkutsk