Preliminary program of CSR'12 Sunday, July 1
Monday, July 2
Tuesday, July 3
08:30–09:15 | Registration | 09:15–09:30 | WELCOMING AND OPENING SPEECH: Roman Strongin, President of N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod | 09:30–10:30 | OPENING LECTURE: Vijay Vazirani. Can the Theory of Algorithms Ratify the "Invisible Hand of the Market?" | 10:30–11:00 | Coffee break | 11:00–11:30 | Nachshon Cohen and Zeev Nutov. Approximating minimum power edge-multi-covers | 11:30–12:00 | Romeo Rizzi and Florian Sikora. Some results on more flexible versions of Graph Motif | 12:00–12:30 | Sebastian Bauer, Uli Fahrenberg, Axel Legay and Claus Thrane. General Quantitative Specification Theories with Modalities | 12:30–14:00 | Lunch | 14:00–15:00 | TURING LECTURE connected to THE ALAN TURING YEAR 2012: Yuri Matiyasevich. Alan Turing and Number Theory | 15:00–15:15 | Coffee break | 15:15–15:45 | Pinar Heggernes and Sigve Hortemo Sæther. Broadcast Domination on block graphs in linear time | 15:45–16:15 | Martin Dietzfelbinger and Michael Rink. Towards Optimal Degree-distributions for Left-perfect Matchings in Random Bipartite Graphs | 16:15–16:30 | Coffee break | 16:30–17:00 | Bernhard Heinemann. Characterizing Certain Topological Specifications | 17:00–17:30 | Eli Fox-Epstein and Danny Krizanc. The Complexity of Minor-Ancestral Graph Properties with Forbidden Pairs |
Wednesday, July 4
09:30–10:30 | INVITED TALK: Lev Beklemishev. DKAL: A Distributed Knowledge Authorization Language and Its Logic of Information | 10:30–11:00 | Coffee break | 11:00–11:30 | Timo Jolivet and Jarkko Kari. Consistency of multidimensional combinatorial substitutions | 11:30–12:00 | Hans Simon. Boolean Composition of Visual Secret Sharing Schemes | 12:00–12:30 | Petr Golovach, Bernard Lidicky, Barnaby Martin and Daniel Paulusma. Finding vertex-surjective graph homomorphisms | 12:30–14:00 | Lunch | 14:00–19:00 | SOCIAL PROGRAM |
Thursday, July 5
09:30–10:30 | INVITED TALK: Mikołaj Bojańczyk. Infinite Sets That Are Finite Up to Permutations | 10:30–11:00 | Coffee break | 11:00–11:30 | Prateek Karandikar and Philippe Schnoebelen. Cutting Through Regular Post Embedding Problems | 11:30–12:00 | Dennis Komm, Tobias Moemke and Richard Kralovic. On the Advice Complexity of the Set Cover Problem | 12:00–12:30 | Amr Elmasry and Jyrki Katajainen. Worst-Case Optimal Priority Queues via Extended Regular Counters | 12:30–14:00 | Lunch | 14:00–15:00 | INVITED TALK: Julien Cassaigne. Dynamics of Rauzy Graphs for Low-Complexity Words | 15:00–15:15 | Coffee break | 15:15–15:45 | Andreas Goerdt and Lutz Falke. Satisfiability thresholds beyond $k-$XORSAT | 15:45–16:15 | Barnaby Martin, Florent Madelaine and Juraj Stacho. Constraint Satisfaction with Counting Quantifiers | 16:15–16:30 | Coffee break | 16:30–17:00 | Christos Kapoutsis and Giovanni Pighizzini. Two-way automata characterizations of L/poly versus NL | 17:00–17:30 | Stefan Dobrev, Evangelos Kranakis, Oscar Morales Ponce and Milan Plvzik. Robust Sensor Range for Constructing Strongly Connected Spanning Digraphs in UDGs | 17:30–18:10 | BUSINESS MEETING |
Friday, July 6
09:30–10:30 | INVITED TALK: Piotr Indyk. Faster Algorithms for Sparse Fourier Transform | 10:30–11:00 | Coffee break | 11:00–11:30 | Maxim Babenko and Ivan Pouzyrevsky. Resilient Quicksort and Selection | 11:30–12:00 | Evgeny Demenkov. A Lower Bound on Circuit Complexity of Vector Function in $U_2$ | 12:00–12:30 | Evgeny Demenkov, Alexander Kulikov, Ivan Mihajlin and Hiroki Morizumi. Computing all MOD-functions simultaneously | 12:30–14:00 | Lunch | 14:00–15:00 | INVITED TALK: Jaroslav Nesetril. Algorithms, Dichotomy and Statistics for Geometric and Sparse Graphs | 15:00–15:15 | Coffee break | 15:15–15:45 | Svetlana Selezneva. Constructing Polynomials for Functions over Residue Rings Modulo a Composite Number in Linear Time | 15:45–16:15 | Ville Salo. A Characterization of Cellular Automata Generated by Idempotents on the Full Shift | 16:15–16:30 | Coffee break | 16:30–17:00 | Dmitry Chistikov. Checking Tests for Read-Once Functions over Arbitrary Bases | 17:00–17:30 | Volker Diekert and Manfred Kufleitner. Bounded synchronization delay in omega-rational expressions for star-free infinitary languages | 19:00–22:00 | CONFERENCE DINNER |
Saturday, July 7
09:30–10:30 | INVITED TALK: Max Alekseyev. Challenges in Comparative Genomics: from Biological Problems to Combinatorial Algorithms (and back) | 10:30–11:00 | Coffee break | 11:00–11:30 | Daniil Musatov. Resource-Bounded Kolmogorov Extractors | 11:30–12:00 | Michael Blondin and Pierre Mckenzie. The Complexity of Intersecting Finite Automata Having Few Final States | 12:00–12:30 | Galina Jiraskova. Optimal Simulation of AFAs by NFAs and Operations on AFA and BFA Languages | 12:30–14:00 | Lunch | 14:00–14:30 | Bartlomiej Bosek, Stefan Felsner, Kolja Knauer and Grzegorz Matecki. News about Semiantichains and Unichain Coverings |