LECTURES 1. Alekseev P.N. Strategy of nuclear industry and development of 4th generation nuclear power reactors (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" «Kurchatov Institute», Russia) 2. Dolgov A.B. Nuclear fuel for VVER power reactors (OJSC “TVEL” », Russia) 3. Bannikh Oleg A. Corrosion resistant low alloyed steels with enhanced mechanical properties ( IMMS RAS, Russia) 4. Shtrombah Yaroslav I. Materials science aspects of VVER vessels embrittlement (FGBU NRC «Kurchatov Institute», Russia) 5. Maksimkin Oleg P. Direct and reversed phase diffusionless transformations in reactor materials irradiated by neutrons and charged particles (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan) 6. Ageev V.S. ODS steels for the fuel claddings of fast breeder reactors with different types of coolant (OJSC “VNIINM”, Moscow, Russia) 7. Troyanov Vladimir M. Development of the innovative nuclear fuel (State Corporation "Rosatom", Russia) 8. Risovanyi V. D. The neutron absorbing materials with unlimited radiation resistance (CJSC «Science and Innovation» of State Corporation "Rosatom", Russia) 9. Kalin Boris á. Basic research as a basic principle for the creation of the new generation materials (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 10. Michael Short. Nanoscale surface modification of nuclear fuel cladding for CRUD resistance (MIT, USA) 11. F. A. Garner. Second-order phenomena in internal components of PWRs, VVERs and CANDUs growing to first order importance at the higher damage levels associated with life extension ( Radiation Effects Consulting Richland WA USA). 12. Sizonenko O.N. Plasma technology for production of multifunctional composite materials reinforced by nanoparticles (Institute of pulse processes and technologies, Ukraine) 13. Udovsky A.L.The coupling between anisotropy of spin-density in bcc- lattice of pure Fe and dimension factor in the Fe- (Cr, V, Mo, W) systems - as main factor of the appearance of short-range order and segregations on small-angular boundaries of coherent dissipations areas/sub-grains (IMET RAS, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow) 14. Vakhitova T.V.CES EduPack for Materials-Related Teaching in Science, Engineering and Design (Granta Design Ltd, UK. REPORTS
Structural materials: steels, Zr- and V- alloys, refractory alloys 1. Chernov I.I., Staltsov M.S., Bogachev I.A., Kalin B.A., Guseva L.Yu. Production of reactor ferritic/martensitic ODS steel in optimized conditions of mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 2. Chernov I.I., Staltsov M.S., Bogachev I.A., Kalin B.A., Guseva L.Yu. Influence of structural-phase state of ferritic-martensitic steels on helium porosity development (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 3. Shmakov A.A., Singh R.N., Kalin B.A. Estimation of the stress-intensity factors for the cracks and crack-like flaws in pressure tubes of nuclear reactors (IMMS RAS, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 4. Ivannikov A.A., Volkov A.V. Analysis of the causes of destruction of special products from corrosion-resistant steels (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 5. Shulga A.V. Features of the strain rate and temperature effects on the flow behavior of the Ni-based superalloy PM HIP compact under high temperature compression tests (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 6. Shulga A.V. An experimental evaluation of compatibility of the austenitic and ferritic/martensitic stainless steels manufactured by PM HIP techniques with liquid lithium (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 7. Demidov D.N., Smirnov E.A., Tsepelev A.B. The influence of impurities and grain boundaries on the kinetic characteristics of radiation damage of iron and austenitic steels (IMMS RAS, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 8. Krymskya O.A. Effect of layerwise structural inhomogeneity on stress-corrosion cracking of steel tubes (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 9. Dobrokhotov P.L., Tselischev A.V. Plastic deformation mechanisms of cladding tubes from austenitic steel under thermal creep testing (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 10. Tsepelev A.B. Radiation softening of Fe-Mo alloy under high-temperature electron irradiation (IMMS RAS, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 11. Bogachev I.A., Chernov I.I., Staltsov M.S., Grigoryev E.G., Olevskyi E.A. Fabrication of EP-450 ODS Ferritic/Martensitic steel fragments of cladding tubes by Spark Plasma Sintering (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 12. Zabusov O.O. Issues of Intergranular Embrittlement of VVER-type Nuclear Reactors Pressure Vessel Materials (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 13. Tarasov B.A., Yurlova M.S., Baranov V.G., Skritniy V.I. Mechanical properties of low-alloy chromium (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 14. Emelyanova O.V., Dzhumaev P.S., Yakushin V.L., Polskiy V.I.Investigation of microstructure and thermal stability of the surface layer of pulsed plasma processed chromium ferritic-martensitic steels (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 15. Dzhumaev P.S., Emelyanova O.V., Yakushin V.L., Malieva E.M. üë181Influence of the plasma treatment on the tribological properties of the EK181 steel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 16. Sevryukov O.N., Fedotov V.T., Polyansky A.A. Development of a method to manufacture witness-samples for the temperature monitoring of structural steels under irradiation (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 17. Isaenkova M.G. Methods of plotting of full direct texture pole figures for products from zirconium-based alloys using X-ray data (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 18. Krymskya O.A. Optimization of the procedure for determining integral texture parameters of products from zirconium-based alloys using the orientation distribution function (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 19. Perlovich Yu.A. Substructure changes in cladding tubes from Zr-1%Nb alloy under neutron irradiation (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 20. Buchneva A.A.1, Ignatyev D.N.1,2, Mokrushin A.A.1, Yrusov A.A.1E110 sponge based zirconium alloy structure after hydrogenation and high-temperature oxidation (1- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Science Research Institute" LUCH ", Podolsk, Moscow region, 2 - NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 21. Ignatyev D.N.1,2, Mokrushin A.A.1, Soldatkin D.M.1, Yrusov A.A.1, Fedorov E.N.1 Protective coatings on zirconium fuel rod claddings (1- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Science Research Institute" LUCH ", Podolsk, Moscow region, 2 - NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 22. V Filippov and A Bateev. Iron atoms redistribution in oxide films of Zr-Fe, Zr-Fe-Cu alloys during corrosion in autoclave at 350C (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 23. V Filippov, D Lauer, Y Lauer and V Petrov. Comparison of microstructure changes and irradiation induced growth of E635 alloy under neutron irradiation influence (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) Functional materials and nuclear fuel 1. Novikov V.V. Problems of interaction with the fuel cladding under transient conditions (OJSC “VNIINM”, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 2. Novikov V.V. The behavior of zirconium fuel claddings in design basis accidents (OJSC “VNIINM”, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 3. Smirnov E.A., Elmanov G.N. Radiation-stimulated processes in UO2 É (U,Pu)O2 (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 4. Nikitin S.N., Shornikov D.P., Tarasov B.A., Baranov V.G. Interaction UMo fuel with Fe and FeCr (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 5. Shornikov D.P., Nikitin S.N., Tarasov B.A., Baranov V.G., Yurlova M.S. The interaction between nitride uranium and stainless steel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 6. Pokrovskiy S.A., Baranov V.G., Tenishev A.V. Thermal properties of (Al,Gd)O3 doped uranium dioxide (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 7. Kavazauri R., Pokrovskiy S.A., Baranov V.G., Tenishev A.V. Thermal properties of nonstoichiometry uranium dioxide (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 8. Baranov V.G., Devyatko Y.N., Tenishev A.V., Mikhalchik V.V., Homyakov O.V. Grain size evolution during oxide fuel sintering (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 9. Tenishev A.V., Baranov V.G., Mikhalchik V.V., Homyakov O.V. The effect of burn-up on temperature distribution in the nuclear fuel element of the VVER-1000 reactor (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 10. Tenishev A.V., Baranov V.G., Mikhalchik V.V., Homyakov O.V. High temperature dilatometry of the simulated nuclear fuel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 11. Kopyitin V.P., Baranov V.G., Tenishev A.V., Kuzmin R.S., Pokrovskiy S.A., Mikhalchik V.V. Gas emission from the UO2 samples, containing fission products and burnable absorber (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 12. Kuzmin R.S., Baranov V.G., Tenishev A.V., Mikhalchik V.V. Rate control sintering of the uranium dioxide (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 13. Mikhalchik V.V., Baranov V.G., Tenishev A.V., Kuzmin R.S. Thermogravimetric analysis of the nitride fuel dissociation (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 14. Bochkov N.A.1, Solntsev V.A.1, Solntseva E.S.1, Taubin M.L.1,2, Yaskolko A.A.1,2 Comparative study of tensile strength and creep rupture of tungsten with poly- and monocrystalline structure (1- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Science Research Institute" LUCH ", Podolsk, Moscow region, 2 - NRNU MEPhI) 15. Ignatyev D.N.1,2, Taubin M.L.1,2, Chesnokov D.A.1, Yaskolko A.A.1,2 Double layer material with anisotropic structure (1 - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Science Research Institute" LUCH ", Podolsk, Moscow region, 2- NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 16. Ignatyev D.N.1,2, Pavlov A.A.1, Solntseva E.S.1, Taubin M.L.1,2, Yaskolko A.A.1,2 Thermal stability and high-temperature deformation of tungsten nanocomposite (1 - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Science Research Institute" LUCH ", Podolsk, Moscow region, 2 - NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 17. Pavlov A.A.1, Taubin M.L.1,2, Chesnokov D.A.1, Yaskolko A.A.1,2 Investigation of nanostructural and monocrystals materials for units of high intensive X-ray source (1- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Science Research Institute" LUCH ", Podolsk, Moscow region, 2 - NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 18. Chernov I.I. The correlation of the high-temperature radiation embrittlement with radiation erosion of materials under irradiation by helium ions (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 19. Staltsov M.S., Chernov I.I., Kalin B.A. Abnormalities of physics and mechanical properties, behavior of helium and hydrogen in the V-Ti alloys (Overview) (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 20. Korchagin O.N., Anan’in V.M. òeculiarities of physical and mechanical properties change and helium and hydrogen behavior in the alloys VTi depending on titanium concentration (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 21. Ovcharenko A.M., Chernov I.I. To a question on the mechanisms of helium porosity evolution in reactor structural materials (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 22. Lyublinsky I.E. The development of lithium and tungsten limiters to test T-10 TOKAMAK under high thermal load (JSC “Krasnaya Zvezda», NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 23. Shamrai V.F., Karpikhin A.E., Sirotinkin V.P. Structural transformations in α-tricalcium phosphate powder under mechanical activation and subsequent heat treatment (IMMS RAS, Moscow, Russia) 24. Prikhodko K.E. Formation of cryo-resistors from NbB thin film modified under ion irradiation (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 25. Prikhodko K.E. Formation of cryo-resistors from NbB thin film modified under ion irradiation (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 26. Nikitin S.N., Shornikov D.P., Tarasov B.A., Baranov V.G. Influence of aluminum alloying on kinetics and character of interaction of stainless steel and metallic nuclear fuel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 27. Shornikov D.P., Nikitin S.N., Tarasov B.A., Baranov V.G., Yurlova M.S. Imitators of plutonium and americium in a mixed uranium-plutonium nitride fuel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) Technology: brazing, welding, sintering, ion and plasma treatment
1. Ivannikov A.A., Sevryukov O.N., Tarasov B.A., Penyaz M.A., Fedotov I.V. Rapidly-quenched non-boron filler metals on the Ni base for brazing of corrosion-resistant steels (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 2. Ivannikov A.A., Kalin B.A., Penyaz M.A., Logvenchev I.S., Fedotov I.V. Application of rapidly quenched iron-based filler metals for brazing of reactor ferritic-martensitic EP-823 steel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 3. Ivannikov A.A., Kalin B.A., Sevryukov O.N., Suchkov A.N., Yurlova M.S., Penyaz M.A. Ni-Si-Be alloys as the base for the novel non-boron filler metals (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 4. Sevryukov O.N., Fedotov V.T., Polyansky A.A. Neutron-absorbing amorphous alloys for cladding coatings (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 5. Sevryukov O.N., Polyansky A.A. The corrosion resistance and neutron-absorbing properties of coatings based on amorphous alloys 6. Sevryukov O.N., Fedotov V.T., Polyansky A.A. Brazing of nanocrystalline cubic boron nitride and diamond monocrystals by rapidly quenched filler metals (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 7. Sevryukov O.N., Guseva E.V., Polyansky A.A. Peculiarities of the structural-phase state of a brazing zone of dissimilar metal joints (on the example of the ITER first wall and divertor, and pressure sensors) 8. Sevryukov O.N., Morokhov P.V., Polyansky A.A. Rapidly quenched aluminum alloys with addition of transition metals - structural and physicomechanical properties (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 9. Elmanov G.N., Ivanitskay E.A., Dzhumaev P.S., Skrytnyy V.I., Ruslanov A. Effect of chemical composition of amorphous alloys Ni-Fe-Cr-B-Si on the process of its crystallization (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 10. N S Ermakova, M S Yurlova and E G GrigoryevProperties of tungsten heavy alloys, prepared by spark-plasma sintering (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 11. Yurlova M.S., Olevsky E.A., Grigoriev E.G. Influence of electroplasticity on materials sintering kinetics during field-assisted consolidation (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 12. Yurlova M.S., Tarasov B.A., Baranov V.G., Grigoriev E.G. Mechanical properties of SPS-sintered EP-450 ODS steel (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) Methods of research and modeling of materials 1. Ovcharenko A.M., Chernov I.I. To a question on the mechanisms of helium porosity evolution in reactor structural materials (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 2. Isaenkova M.G. Method of plotting of inverse pole figures by express X-ray (of tilt curves) (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 3. Perlovich Yu.A. Superelastic alloy Ti-22%Nb-6%Zr: X-ray study of deformation features (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 4. Fesenko V.A. Inhomogeneous formation of the deformation martensite in textured alloys (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 5. Zhuk D.I. Finite element modeling of martensitic transformations at indentation (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 6. Nazarov A.V. Kinetic of segregation formation in the vicinity of edge dislocation (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 7. A L Udovsky and M V Kupavtsev. The comparison of different approaches to the modeling of the structural properties phase of Fe-Cr system (IMET RAS, Moscow, Russia). 8. A L Udovsky and D A Vasilyev. Verification of ab-initio mixing enthalpy using thermodynamic simulation of phase equilibrium and the temperature dependences of the heat capacity of the bcc Fe-Cr alloys (IMET RAS, Moscow, Russia). 9. Yu N Devyatko, V V Novikov, V I Kuznetsov, O V Khomyakov and D A ChulkinModels of thermophysical properties of uranium dioxide (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 10. V I Skrytnyy and V N Yaltsev. Double bragg reflections in single crystals and textured polycrystals (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) 11. V I Skrytnyy and V N Yaltsev. Relative misorientations of crystals (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)