The 16th International óonference
Modern Group Analysis (MOGRAN 16)
Modern Group Analysis (MOGRAN 16)

Russian | English

  • Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU),
  • research laboratory Group Analysis of Mathematical Models in Natural and Engineering Sciences (GAMMETT).

    Chairman of the organizing committee:

    1. Guzairov M.B., rector of USATU.

    Vice-Chairmen of the Organizing Committee:

    1. Badamshin R.A. – vice-rector of USATU for Research and Innovation;
    2. Ibragimov N.H. – Leading scientist, Scientific supervisor of the laboratory GAMMETT;
    3. Khabirov S.V. – Chief reseacher of the laboratory GAMMETT.

    Members of the organizing committee:

    1. Baikov V.A., Professor, Chief reseacher of the laboratory GAMMETT;
    2. Gazizov R.K., Professor, vice-rector of USATU for Educational and Methodical work;
    3. Kovalev V.F., Professor, Chief reseacher of the laboratory GAMMETT;
    4. Makarevich E.V., PhD student, Researcher of the laboratory GAMMETT.
    5. Urazbakhtina L.Z., Ph.D., Researcher of the laboratory GAMMETT;
    6. Yulmukhametova Yu.V., Ph.D., Researcher of the laboratory GAMMETT.